The Chocolate Page

Chocolate Truffles_f

Yes. I am a stereotypical chocoholic female, and proud of it!  ❤

But… how about that dark side of that truffle?  When your emotional state pulls a Bruce Banner on you, do you hide at the bottom of a gold Lindor bag until the green has faded away?  I do. :/

Ironically, chocolate is NOT that great for postpartum emotions, at least on a chemical level.  So: on this blog, “chocolate” means “go-to action plan” (my dad would be proud).  Below is the result of my hunt for alternatives to the local CVS candy isle.

I have three ‘chocolate plans.’

The Emergency Chocolate Plan is printed out and hung on my refrigerator.  This is for those moments I am embarrassed to admit to anyone but my husband or my mother… and sometimes not even them.  When you think you are going completely crazy, and you are going to loose your mind.  The emotional tsunami. “I can’t do this. I’m not gonna make it.”  Danger, Danger, Will Robinson. Mayday. Mayday.  Code Red.  That sorta thing.

The Medicinal Chocolate Plan is my general list of over-all action steps that have to do with the physical / hormonal side of postpartum emotions.

The Practical Chocolate Plan is my list of reminders for how to function well with 2 little people under the age of 2.  It includes tips on getting anything done at all, pausing to enjoy, and fostering the peace and health of my little ones.


The rest of this page is for random things to do / watch / sing out loud to, that make me happy or help me laugh.  Enjoy! 🙂


Quite possibly the best “mom” movie I have ever seen.  Borrowed it from my mom.  Watched it twice.  Hubby thought it was pretty hilarious, too.  I need to get my own copy and watch it every other week for therapy. 😛

I listen to this song when I need to feel sappy about my babies again.  It always works.